Blood types is a classification done on the basis of inherent
antigenic substances that are present on the surface of red blood cells.
These antigens could vary (as per the blood group system) and they
could be proteins, carbohydrates, glycolipids and glycoproteins. As per
these antigenic substances, blood types, also called blood groups are
classified in four main blood groups namely A, B, AB and O, which stand
for the types of antigens. Blood is also relegated by another factor
known as the rhesus factor or Rh factor, which is actually an antigen
present on a red blood cell. Presence of the Rh factor decides whether a
person is Rh+ or Rh-.
There are around 30 various human blood
type systems that are acknowledged by the ISBT (International Society of
Blood Transfusion) notwithstanding this fact, the ABO system is the
most popular amongst them all. Blood type O negative is a blood group
that has no antigens present on the surface of red blood cells hence it
is O 'negative' or O Rh negative. It is a rare blood type because there
are only around 7% of the total population of the world with O negative
blood group.
Facts Related to Blood Group O Negative