Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

[Eng] Blood Type O

Blood types is a classification done on the basis of inherent antigenic substances that are present on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens could vary (as per the blood group system) and they could be proteins, carbohydrates, glycolipids and glycoproteins. As per these antigenic substances, blood types, also called blood groups are classified in four main blood groups namely A, B, AB and O, which stand for the types of antigens. Blood is also relegated by another factor known as the rhesus factor or Rh factor, which is actually an antigen present on a red blood cell. Presence of the Rh factor decides whether a person is Rh+ or Rh-.

There are around 30 various human blood type systems that are acknowledged by the ISBT (International Society of Blood Transfusion) notwithstanding this fact, the ABO system is the most popular amongst them all. Blood type O negative is a blood group that has no antigens present on the surface of red blood cells hence it is O 'negative' or O Rh negative. It is a rare blood type because there are only around 7% of the total population of the world with O negative blood group.
Facts Related to Blood Group O Negative

Facts Related to Blood Group O Negative

O negative is one of the rarest blood types who are called universal donors. There are no antigens present on the red blood cells on blood type O and with absence of the Rh factor, this makes blood type O Rh negative more approachable towards the other blood types. Here are some more facts on this blood type.

People with blood group O negative can donate blood to blood groups A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, and O-. However, they can receive blood only from people having blood group O negative. O- blood doesn't clot when mixed with either anti-A or anti-B serums.
This is the most preferred of all the blood types when there are cases of emergency, accidents, or blood transfusion of babies and infants.
As a matter of fact, around 7% of Caucasians, 3-4% of African Americans, and less than 1% of Asian people come under blood type O negative, while the biggest population of this blood type is found in countries like Spain, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland.
If one of the parents have blood group A, while the other being O-, their offspring will have either an O or an A blood group with the possibility of being either Rh negative or RH positive. If one of the parents has a B blood group, while another being O-, the offspring will have either an O or a B blood group with the possibility of an Rh negative or an RH positive. If both the parents have blood type O then the offspring will have a blood type O with the possibility of an Rh positive or negative. To get a clear idea you could refer to this blood types chart as well.

Personality Traits and Health Implications

As per the Japanese convention, a blood type is supposedly the indicator of one's personality. They believe that the blood type of a person can reveal many secrets of a person's traits and mindset. Hence, as per Japanese conventions, people having blood group O negative are born leaders! They are independent, self confident, competent and jealous. People with blood type O are also said to be passionate, loyal and actually trend setters, the Rh factor is not considered while deciding the personality types.

It is very important to eat right for your blood type so that there are less complications and more benefits as far as the health is considered. People with blood type O are likely to suffer from health conditions like thinning of blood or hypothyroidism. While the food must contain high protein, meat, poultry, fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy, they must try to avoid legumes, grains and beans.

Possible Effects on Pregnancy

There are a few discussions that suspect the Rh factor and complications in pregnancy to be somewhat related, and it is the same with blood group O negative in pregnancy. Not in all cases, however, when the woman is O- and the father is Rh positive, there are mixed chances of the child being either Rh positive or negative, which can create complications in the health of the baby as well as the mother. It happens because of the tendency of the body to produce antibodies against foreign bodies.

If the baby is Rh+, then the immune system of the mother will build up antibodies known as IgG and IgM. IgM cannot be transferred through the blood placenta while IgG can be transferred to the baby. These antibodies provoke the unborn to fight against its own antigens, which is actually dangerous for its own health as well as the mother's. However, this complication can be evaded by providing the mother-to-be with IgG antibodies during the third trimester of the pregnancy.

Several modern researches also suggest that people are susceptible to certain life savoring diseases and blood disorders, as per their blood types hence, it is very important for every individual to be aware of his own blood type which can be found out with a simple blood test.

Those who are aware about their blood type should feel proud about the fact that their type is O negative, it automatically opens up avenues for you to donate for a noble cause, because you are the universal donor and your donated blood is for sure going to let another human being see the light of another day.

By Rutuja Jathar
Last Updated: 1/21/2012

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