Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

[Ind] Type Darah O


Individu dengan golongan darah O memiliki sel darah tanpa antigen, tapi memproduksi antibodi terhadap antigen A dan B. Sehingga, orang dengan golongan darah O-negatif dapat mendonorkan darahnya kepada orang dengan golongan darah ABO apapun dan disebut donor universal. Namun, orang dengan golongan darah O-negatif hanya dapat menerima darah dari sesama O-negatif.
Secara umum, golongan darah O adalah yang paling umum dijumpai di dunia.


[Eng] Blood Type O

Blood types is a classification done on the basis of inherent antigenic substances that are present on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens could vary (as per the blood group system) and they could be proteins, carbohydrates, glycolipids and glycoproteins. As per these antigenic substances, blood types, also called blood groups are classified in four main blood groups namely A, B, AB and O, which stand for the types of antigens. Blood is also relegated by another factor known as the rhesus factor or Rh factor, which is actually an antigen present on a red blood cell. Presence of the Rh factor decides whether a person is Rh+ or Rh-.

There are around 30 various human blood type systems that are acknowledged by the ISBT (International Society of Blood Transfusion) notwithstanding this fact, the ABO system is the most popular amongst them all. Blood type O negative is a blood group that has no antigens present on the surface of red blood cells hence it is O 'negative' or O Rh negative. It is a rare blood type because there are only around 7% of the total population of the world with O negative blood group.
Facts Related to Blood Group O Negative

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

[Eng] Vanessa Carlton


I'd like to introduce my favorite singer who I adored since I was in senior high school ;~; VANESSA CARLTON~  the first time I heard her song was when I was in second grade at the senior high school. I love the song ' Ordinary Day ' that she sang. then when I want to find another song, I found ' A Thousand Miles ' that made me really fall in love with her. so too in love, in fact I even had performed ' A Thousand Miles ' on a competition (it was an embarrassing memories for me T^T) and I liked her another songs. up to now I love her, and also her songs. oh ya Vanessa Carlton has a beautiful voice and she's talented. she could play piano too!~ and that's way I adore her

Here's Her bio and some photos of her ^^